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My name is Tonya. Texas born, Texas bred, Texas tough!

All About Me

I was born and raised in Tahoka, a podunk town in the Texas panhandle. I always knew there was more for me out in the world than what was there.  I ran away to Colorado after I graduated High School and ended up staying there just shy of 20 years.  


I was working full time and then some,. plus going to school, doing what all grown ups do.  I went to register for the next semester of classes and as I came out of the building an Army recruiter was outside handing out flyers.  I took one, said thank you, stuffed it in my bag and thought nothing else of it.  The next day I was on the total opposite end of campus, came out of the building and the same guy was there handing out flyers and I thought to myself Ok, what is this about.. Two weeks later I was on my way to basic training in South Carolina.  


Something to note about me. When I have to make a decision about something, I do my research and make the best educated decision possible and I roll with it 100%.  No looking back. 


I was in the Army from 2007-2010.  I did basic training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I was certified and an 88M, truck driver, in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. I learned to drive multiple different vehicles sized from a standard Humvee all the way up to a full tractor trailer.  After training I was sent to Fort Drum, New York for my duty station.  Through different training activities I also visited Fort Indian Town Gap, Pennsylvania; Fort Polk, Louisiana and the Washington D.C. area. The military was great for my need for change/ travel. Sadly the military didn’t work out for me.  I have 6 herniated discs in my back, next to no cartilage in my right knee and shoulder, just wear and tear from being in the military is anybody’s best guess.  The Army medically retired me so back to Colorado I went. 


When I got back to CO I got all set up for my college classes. I spent from January 2011- May 2015 getting my degree in Computer Engineering.  I went to a super small school, my graduating class was 7 people, so all of us Computer/ Electrical/ Networking majors were all super close.   I am still in a group chat with them, until this day. We are a real life Big Bang Theory. The guys forget that I am a girl until it comes to game day and they want home cooked food hahaha. 


After I graduated I was feeling pretty lost… I was 31, never married and no kids so I didn’t really fit in with people my age.  I looked for Vet groups in the area to do some volunteer work while figuring things out and found an amazing group! I started volunteering with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) which led to helping out with another group, The Marine Corps League (MCL). This turned into basically a full time job for a couple of years.  But yet again I still had this lost feeling… I was technically retired like the group of grumpy old vets I was volunteering with but I was in my 30’s not mid 60’s+. Still not fitting in with people my age either, searching for something... Lo and behold the #VanLife began. 


In 2018 I bought my van, Stella!! I got it fixed up and ready to roll by 2019.  I lived in and out of it for around 2 years. I loved it so much.  I was hooked.  There were a handful of trips that I had to change up plans because it was only Rear Wheel Drive so I knew one day I would have to sell and upgrade to something 4x4.  The price spike in vehicles gave me my window to sell, so I did.  I bid farewell to Stella and began my research for what would be next.


After a process of ordering vans and having my orders get cancelled, I took it as a sign of should have gone with what my gut wanted in the first place… to be back in a pickup.  Remember that note above that when I make a decision I go with it no looking back? Within about 10 days of deciding I was going to go back to a truck, I made calls, visited dealerships, and went down the YouTube rabbit hole, I picked out a truck and was on a plane to Massachusetts to purchase what is now Kramer. I have always been a truck girl.  Yes, this definitely is an itty bitty living space but I am simple. I don’t need much.


I am a programmer for L & E Research, a market research company based out of Raleigh, North Carolina.  I work remote, all I need is my laptop and cell service or WiFi and I can work from wherever! I LOVE MY JOB!! I am so grateful to have found it. 


And so our adventure begins! 




Updated 5/12/24






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