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Fooooooood: The Foundation

Updated: May 16

In a world obsessed with fad diets and quick fixes, it's easy to forget one simple truth: food should be enjoyed, not feared. As someone who has navigated the murky waters of dietary restrictions and nutritional advice, I've come to realize that finding balance is the ultimate key to a healthy relationship with food.

Enjoy Everything in Moderation

Enjoyment and moderation should be at the forefront of our approach to eating. Don't beat yourself up for savoring that slice of pizza or indulging in a decadent dessert. Life is too short to deprive ourselves of the simple pleasures of food.

I give myself basically 3 meals, a “fancy” coffee and a dessert a week. For those things I can have whatever my heart desires. I usually go with a cheat breakfast, a cheat lunch and a cheat dinner. My brother, Michael, makes most excellent breakfasts and has the good donuts/ kolaches so when I am in his neck of the woods all 3 free meals are usually breakfast. This way of living allows me to go out with friends and enjoy myself, ie The Cheesecake Factory yummmm. Other must haves include pizza 🍕 and burgers 🍔.

Discovering What Works for You

One of the most significant battles in the realm of nutrition is discovering which foods agree with our bodies and which ones don't. For me, this journey began with a food allergy test with my chiropractor/hippie doc, and it was a game-changer. Turns out, everything the Army taught me about food was, well, wrong. Through trial and error, I found that eliminating wheat, dairy, and sugar from my diet drastically improved my overall well-being. Call it Paleo, call it Gluten-Free, it's about finding what works for you.

Diet alone I can pretty much maintain my weight. Working out adds the tone. I track nothing, micros, macros, calories, and whatever other things that are out there. I just eat the foods that are good and avoid the ones that are bad. If organic is close in price, I will go organic. If not oh well.

Meal Prep: A Lifesaver

Meal prepping has been my saving grace in maintaining a balanced diet amidst a busy lifestyle. Whether it's cooking up a batch of freezer-friendly meals or simply preparing enough food to last the week, having nutritious options readily available is key. I even have a few breakfast options that freeze up nicely.

Overnight Oats are a huge part of starting my mornings off right. My current additction is the Dark Chocolate Cherry. I can make up 7 of these and be good to go for the week. Other breakfast favs are yogurt with granola or fruit or both covered in honey or agave. I have a Sweet Potato Hash recipe that freezes beautifully. Definitley with my way of life you have to think outside the box for your meals. A few other breakfast favs are a Brussel Sprout Hash and one called Eggs In Hell which is primarily diced tomatoes.

Go to yogurts. Finding one that is unsweet can be quite difficult.

Lunch is usually leftovers, tuna, a shake/ smoothie. Lettuce wraps, lunch meat roll ups, salads are all great options. Siete makes chips that I really like so that gives me a nice salty crunch with my roll up on a hot summer day.

Dinners I have a little bit of everything. Since I don't do pasta or rice as my base I use veggies instead. Sweet potato, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, acorn squash, butternut squash; so many things to use as a base! I have a huge selection of meals that freeze well. If I am on the move or have just burned through more food than I have prepped, thank heavens for rotisserie chickens! Chicken with a raw veggie of some sort, my favs are broccoli and zucchini, stupid easy on the go meal and no oven/ microwave required.

Hydration: The Army Got it Right

If there's one thing the Army got right, it's the importance of staying hydrated. I'll never forget the rigorous hydration regimen during Basic Training – drink 8 oz of water every half-hour, and you'll reach a gallon by day's end. Incorporating this habit into daily life is simple yet incredibly effective. Set a timer, sip water regularly, and watch your energy levels soar. Even if you only do 8 oz an hour at the end of a typical day you will still have almost hit your gallon mark!

Supplements: A Helping Hand

While I strive to obtain nutrients from whole foods, supplements help fill in nutritional gaps. From Vitamin D, B12 to fish oil and joint supplements have further impoved my energy levels.

Finding Your Routine

Above all, finding a routine that works for you is paramount. It's not about adhering to strict rules or stressing over every morsel that passes your lips. Make it realistic, make it sustainable, and most importantly, make it enjoyable. Life is too short for food-related guilt and restriction.

Products I have found that I really like:

OMG I tried Elmhurst for the first time at Christmas. They make an oatmilk egg nog that is so good! So ya I love their milks. 2 ingredients and that is it. They are so smooth and creamy. I can hear you now when you look up the price 😬. I tend to stock up when they are on sale, but meh it's just me so if I want to get the good stuff I get the good stuff 🤩 The hazelnut milk steamed to make a latte mmmmmm

Siete brand is another fav. I have not found anything of theirs that I haven't liked. The almond flour tortillas and chips are my go to's

For my sweeteners I use honey, agave or maple syrup as liquids and coconut sugar if I need a granulated sugar. Check your ingredients there should only be 1.

Hu - my go to for chocolate!!!

Forager brand is another quality one that I have not found anything that I have not liked.

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